The third edition of Volume Mtl: Art and the Book, Montreal’s celebration of art publishing and artists’ books, is coming back October 1-4 in hybrid formats. Artists’ talks, interviews, gallery tours and studio visits will be streamed online, and a virtual fair will be streamed online on Saturday, October 3rd, showcasing books from artists’ and publishers from around the world.
In partnership with the Vancouver Art Book Fair, Volume 3 Mtl will also launch Canada’s first annual Art Book Month, presenting online programming throughout October.
This year’s theme centers around the processes of creation: handmade and laborious; quick and automatically; digitally and aided by machine intelligence; based in research and in the aim of education; the fair will present a gamut of practices and focus on the work behind these books.
Highlights include Amaranth Borsuk, Seattle-based professor, author, poet, and artist, in conversation with Natahan Brown, founder-director of the Centre for Expanded Poetics at Concordia University; five of Brosuk’s bookworks will be on view at the Anteism Project Space in a special exhibition; a presentation of the Canadian Centre for Architecture (CCA)’s artists’ book collection by their Book Curator, Viveca Pattison; programmer-poet Jhave will present an artists’ talk and accompanying participatory project at the Anteism Project Space on the trajectory of his work using Artificial Intelligence tools to create and edit poetry; artist Clara Congdon will give a talk on her artist book practice incorporating textiles; a tour of the McGill Rare Books Library; artist and writer Jim Holyoak discussing his nineteen-volume artists’ book, Book of Nineteen Nocturnes; and numerous virtual visits and tours of production studios in Montreal and elsewhere.
Even more events will be announced shortly for October’s Art Book Month! We hope you’ll join us for the streamed programming events and for the Volume 3 Mtl fair.