Declassified archives
Colección Retrato Hablado (Spoken Portrait Collection), 3
Guatemalan Art History
ISBN: 978-9929-591-81-3
258 pages
« Moises Barrios’ search has left us metaphors of a land speared by systematic, violent and shameless dispossession. It has brought us closer to the mocking laughter of someone who knows disturbing and ingenious ways to disguise sharp criticism. It has also shown us that the constant swaying of the sea, watching time repeat and turn on itself, is reminiscent of our strange human condition. He has given us his gaze, that ranges from immensity to the microscopic, memory to fantasy- roaring thunder to a flower’s bloom.
One would say he trades in paint, shape and incision- and the movement of his hands over materials tell us something, but it would be insufficient. Moises trades in observation. A constant search and incessant curiosity that spreads, expands and becomes tangible, moving thought.
He has spent decades coating everything in his obsessive ideas, like mirrors made in truly political, philosophical and poetic manners. To give an account of the conversation that starts as if from a collision between gaze and oeuvre, we wanted to make this book. It is made up of various writings by people who, for 50 years, have reacted to the extensive and forceful work of the painter and engraver Moisés Barrios. His encouragement, his determination, his path told by people who have had the privilege of knowing him, talking with him and above all, of marveling at the constant creation of one of the most important artists in Guatemala ”.
Testimonials, interviews, documents.
Colección Retrato Hablado (Spoken Portrait Collection), 1
Guatemalan Art History
ISBN: 978-9929-591-35-6
194 pages
Roberto Cabrera Padilla, one of the fundamental creators in 20th century Guatemala. This book is a tribute to his remarkable artistic and intellectual career, written by Benvenuto Chavajay, Fernando Feliu-Moggi, Adriano Corrales and Julio Serrano Echeverría. It is a collection of testimonies on the various facets of his oeuvre. It brings together a series of unpublished texts written by Cabrera himself, which give an account of his searches through of art and theoretical reflection, and includes a fragment of an extensive interview between him Adriano Corrales, carried out in Costa Rica around 1999.
Cover photo: Sergio Valdés Pedroni
Dialogues, views, impressions
Retrato Hablado collection, 2
Guatemalan Art History
ISBN: 978-9929-591-66-0
140 pages
“March, 2017. We go to Isabel’s house for three or four weeks in a row. We are there to talk with her, to listen to her words of fire, to observe the intensity of her gestures, to imagine this book together. We made plans and drew routes, and the project began to develop naturally. The plans were arranged according to their own logic, and the times and the words settled down to complete this convergence of voices that try to say something about Isabel Ruiz and her tremendous fury, of her incendiary work that sprouts like blood from a flower burning in the brazier and floats over the remains of the country we share ”.
Carmen Lucía Alvarado
Luis Méndez Salinas
Cover photography by Andrés Asturias.