Edited by Kathy Slade
Co-published by ECU Press, Charles H. Scott Gallery, and Cooley Gallery
This is the first monograph published on the work of Canadian artist Elspeth Pratt that spans her career to date. For twenty-eight years Pratt has been producing sculptural work that negotiates the line between abstraction and representation to explore architecture and public space. Working with everyday “impoverished materials, the artist engages with ideas of doubt, the precarious, and the built environment.
Elspeth Pratt has exhibited her work nationally and internationally for three decades. Recent exhibitions include Second Date, a large-scale public art project at Off Site commissioned by the Vancouver Art Gallery and Nonetheless at the Cooley Art Gallery in Portland, Oregon. She teaches at Simon Fraser University where she is Associate Director of the School for Contemporary Arts.
48 p. ; ill. FRA/ENG.
ISBN 978-2-922326-67-3 / 15 $
Cette monographie porte sur l’oeuvre de l’artiste Daniel Olson. Elle comprend des textes des auteurs André-Louis Paré et Bernard Schütze. Cette dernière est éditée par EXPRESSION et accompagne la rétrospective du même nom, présentée à EXPRESSION du 1er novembre au 21 décembre 2008. Elle est également produite en collaboration avec Transit, Collectif de commissaires et de critiques indépendants.